Copywriting tips

Here's how to master your copywriting skills

Are you constantly on Facebook, scrolling through your feed, reading the news, and looking at Facebook ads?

You’re not alone; the social media platform averages 2.91 billion monthly active users, and it’s also the top channel used by businesses worldwide!

All these users spell out the huge potential for businesses, and Facebook has emerged as one of the best advertising platforms for both B2B and B2C businesses!

A lot has to come together to make a Facebook ad successful — you need the right targeting, a great image or video, and compelling copy.

Today, we are focusing on how you can write great Facebook ads that actually convert 💯.

Great advertising copy can persuade, excite, and entertain. It’s an essential part of a successful ad.

So, here’s how to do it. Use these principles to write the best ads you can.

  • Write different Facebook Ads for different people.

    This goes along with the idea of targeting. Your customers turn to you for a variety of reasons, so why would you use one blanket ad? Facebook’s strength is its ability to target, so don’t treat your ad like a billboard.

  • If the copy and the image don’t line up, people viewing the ad will wonder what the ad is actually advertising. They’ll be unlikely to click, and your ad spend.

  • The best Facebook ads have a clear goal. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, get a lead, or sell a product? No matter what, your ad should have a clear call to action. You should make sure to select the correct objective when setting up your ads and also make that objective clear within the ad itself. Without a clear objective, Facebook users will see your ad, but they’ll have no idea where to click or what to do

  • You’re paying for an ad, so it can be tempting to cram in as much as possible. You have to explain your product to people, after all. However, the best way to set up your ads is to leave with value. Put the information that's of most value to the viewer front and centre, and follow with the rest of the information.

  • Your number one priority should be writing a Facebook ad that’s easy to understand—for anyone. When someone sees your ad, they should immediately know the following:

    • What you’re offering

    • How it benefits them

    • What to do next

  • If you’re selling a physical product, people want to know how much it costs. If you’re running a sale, people want to know what percentage they’re going to get off. Looking for a copywriting strategy that works? Lead with the numbers!

  • 7. The only way you can improve your Facebook ad copy is if you run tests. Facebook makes it easy to spend a small amount of money to try things out. In the end, the only way you can ensure your copywriting works is through trial and error. The results will show you what people are responding to best.

The best ads on Facebook ultimately lead to conversions for your chosen objective, whether that be leads generated, products sold, or website links clicked.

As a growing business, you need to make sure you’re putting the ingredients together to create an ad that gets the job done, and strong copywriting is an essential part of a good Facebook ad!

Talk to us for more helpful tips and tricks.

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